CFA Level 2 vs. Level 3: Which is Harder?

As an expert in the field of finance and a CFA charterholder, I have been asked numerous times about the difficulty level of the CFA exams. And one question that always comes up is, is CFA Level 2 or 3 harder? While there is no definitive answer, I can provide some insights based on my own experience and observations. Firstly, let's look at the passing rates. According to the CFA Institute, the typical passing rate for Level 3 exam is the highest among all three levels, at around 56%. However, this does not mean that the exam is easy.

In fact, many candidates struggle to pass this level. And one reason for this could be because they underestimated the difficulty of Level 2.It's a common misconception that passing Level 2 makes Level 3 easier. This is not necessarily true. Each level of the CFA exam has its own unique challenges and requires a different set of skills and knowledge.

So, just because you passed Level 2, it doesn't mean that you will have an easy time with Level 3.For many candidates, CFA Level 3 may be the most difficult level due to its open-ended structure. Unlike the multiple-choice questions in Level 1 and 2, Level 3 has a structured answer section where candidates are required to write out their responses. This can be challenging for those who are not used to this type of format. However, it's important to note that the difficulty level of each CFA exam also depends on the candidate's background and experience. For instance, someone with a strong background in finance or related field may find Level 3 easier, while someone with no prior experience may struggle with it. It's also worth mentioning that the difficulty level of each CFA exam can vary from year to year.

This is because the exam is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing landscape of the finance industry. So, what may have been a difficult exam for one year, may not be as difficult for another year. So, how can you prepare yourself for the CFA exams? The key is to have an effective study plan and stick to it. This means dedicating enough time and effort to each level of the exam. Many candidates make the mistake of underestimating the amount of time needed to study for the exams, which can lead to failure. It's also important to understand the theories and topics covered in each level of the CFA exam.

This will help you develop problem-solving skills and tackle the questions more effectively. And remember, everyone's study needs are different. So, don't compare yourself to others and focus on your own unique needs. The CFA Institute emphasizes several areas that are evaluated in each exam, so the difficulty level may vary depending on which level you are taking. But with proper preparation and dedication, passing all three levels of the CFA exam is achievable.

Serena Lubahn
Serena Lubahn

Coffee specialist. Extreme food buff. Proud web expert. Hipster-friendly pop culture expert. Extreme social media specialist. Infuriatingly humble tv scholar.